I am back at work after five weeks off. Sadly, those five weeks went way too quickly. I'm missing spending my days hanging out with my dogs... I wonder if they are missing me too!
During my five weeks off I slowly but steadily fell further and further off my paleo bandwagon. Capital Ex, Heritage Days didn't help, but overall I just let things slide. I figured back to work day was as good as any other to start back into the swing of things.
If I'm going to compete in an Oly lifting competition come October (in a weight class I want to be in), I've got to get my weight down another 15-20 pounds. I'm also kind of tired of waking up every morning feeling sick, which seems to correlate rather well with the amount of gluten going into my system. I've also noticed I'm feeling a bit more sluggish in my workouts, which I'm not a huge fan of either.
One of the things I'm switching up this time to see how it goes is that I'm going to try and get my breakfast and lunch ready to take with me the night before (as opposed to the morning of). I don't really like morning and I also want to start making it to work more on time. Not spending 30 minutes in the morning preparing food should help with this.
Tomorrow marks four weeks since I injured my left leg again. I'm definitely making progress (my flexion has improved substantially over the last week) but I'm not 100% yet. I'm able to get deeper in a squat, but can't bottom out yet. I'm hopeful that maybe next week I'll be able to get there. I played hockey on it last week and that felt okay (but strange). I played ball hockey on it on Friday and I felt very tentative (particularly with direction changes and going full out) and was hella sore all the way up my quad on Saturday. But it's getting there.
Since ball hockey season ended on Friday and hockey season doesn't start up until October, I've got a bit of time to kill. I'm hoping to start back with Oly lifting soon (it was great signing up at a gym and injuring myself the very next day), and I'll keep focusing on CrossFit. I've been trying to improve all of my bodyweight movements - dips have been a big focus of mine lately. I'm going to try and get back into HSPUs again now too since I'm not as worried about landing on my leg and hurting myself or something silly.
Oh - and I bought a vest today. Going to try and push myself with some sprints and on the aformentioned bodyweight exercises.
Goals for August:
* 5 unassisted dips (bars)
* 3 unassisted pull ups
* 1 unassisted HSPU (full ROM, no kip)
* finish month one of C25K with vest