Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I am on a bodyweight movement crusade right now. Typically if I can not Rx a workout, one of these exercises is the reason why. Handstand push ups, dips, toes to bar, knees to elbows, and though it doesn't come up in WODs, dead hang pull ups. I also need to work on my standard push ups, although those I can do Rx (just not quickly in large quantities). I haven't started working on dips yet, though I really should. The rest I have been, and am making progress.

Dead hangs I try to do five sets of five at least three times per week. This week I switched from a blue (larger) band to a green (medium). I've tried to do a dead hang sans bands and I'm getting closer, but not quite there. Hoping to move to a purple (small) band next week, but we will see. The later reps will definitely be the issue.

I actually randomly discovered that I could do toes to bar, so I've continued working on that skill. I've gone from stringing two together (last week) to three (Monday) and then four today. I got close to five, but I couldn't get my toes to actually touch the bar. Damn. I think being able to do 10 in a row is a decent starting goal.

Annoyingly, I can do T2B but not K2E. I keep just missing my elbows. I'm close though, so I'm hoping to get this within the week.

My HSPU has progressed from handstand hold to learning to move. I started with three blue mats (very little ROM) and then progressed to two blue mats and an abmat, which I now feel comfortable with. Today after class I got rid of the abmat, leaving me with two blue mats. I didn't quite get all the way down, but a friend in the next class said I'm missing the mat by centimetres, so I'm fairly confident I can get this very soon. Then I'll move to one blue and an abmat, and so on. Getting there!

Dips are tough. I don't think I get full ROM when I try to do them without bands, so I will probably start incorporating dips with a purple band into my out of class work.

Push ups I've been trying to remember to do at home, when I'm bored at work, etc. Just need to "grease that groove" and just get used to doing them from the toes for more reps.

I also worked on front squats today in sets of 15. I'm typically strong for 2-5 reps of something and then I start to fade quickly, so I really want to get some work in on strength-endurance. This goes double for anything that's strength-endurance and legs related, since I'm probably 90% healed from my meniscus and quad injury in November. I feel like I've regained most of the strength in the leg (when I first started back at CrossFit I struggled with box jumps, double unders, squatting - especially overhead - really, just anything leg related and especially explosive) so I feel like I can focus in more on getting the endurance. It's all fine and good to be able to lift a high amount of poundage once or twice, but it doesn't do a whole heck of a lot of good when a WOD calls for 30 squats and I'm dying in the twenties (partner WOD with the Zercher squats, I'm looking at you!).

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