Garage Gym WODs: 1
CrossFit 1MP WODs: 1
Rest Days: May 1, 6, 9, 14, 25
Bad Idea of the Month: 10 straight days of WODs. I think doing work every day is good, but the volume and intensity of 10 straight SPARK WODs was a little much. By day 10 (May 24) I was absolutely spent. I am trying to go back to my 4-on-1-off split, but may increase what I actually do on that "off day". Overall - just listening to my body.
- Rx'ed Cindy (20 minute AMRAP - 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats) - 10 2/3 rounds. I was nowhere near our firebreathers (24ish rounds) and I didn't even catch my rabbit (12 rounds), but bodyweight WODs are not my forte and I was proud of Rx'ing everything, the whole time.
- Double unders - May 26 we did 10 rounds of 250m row and 20 double unders. I did the majority of my rounds unbroken. It was a day when my double unders just clicked and felt right.
- Nancy (400m run, 15 65# OHS x 5 rounds) - 22:19. Not fast, but one I intend to do later in the summer and crush my time. My runs just need to be stronger.
- 500m row time trial - 1:45.0 - this actually isn't my best time (1:43.3 - done way back in July of 2010!), but it gave me a lot to think about for my next time trial. I came out of the gate at 1:31 and held that for 150m or so, but then I get self doubt about how long I can post that. I was in the 1:50-1:55 range from 150m until 400m and then I cranked it up again and was around 1:38. Next time I'm going to focus on maintaining one solid pace for the first 400m and then cranking it the last 100m. I think that's the key for me busting through the 1:43.3. If I could turn my brain off and just sit with the discomfort, I know I can break 1:40.
- I survived the 100m lunge/700m run x 4 WOD. It took me over 30 minutes, but I did it. I was so scared of this WOD beforehand - it was the first really big test for my knee/quad and it held up. This was my first WOD of May and after doing it I feel like I really turned a corner in stopping to mentally block myself with the injury excuse.
* 5 toes to bar
* 1 dead hang pull up
* 1 handstand push up
* 2x400m runs every time that I'm at SPARK
* Alternate dead hang practice and handstand work each time at SPARK
* Get back off the Diet Coke bandwagon (sadly...)
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