Thursday, June 25, 2015

Post-Surgery - Day 1

Today has been interesting as I've essentially been watching my leg and foot swell up a bit.  I'm thinking that the colour may start coming out tomorrow.  Pain is up a bit compared to yesterday, but it's nothing that I can't handle.  I've taken a single tramadol (I'm allowed up to two per dose) three times - once in the morning, once after lunch, and once around dinner time.  I'll probably take two when I go to bed, along with a ketorolac.  The tramadol comes with a warning that it may cause drowsiness/dizziness, and I'm finding that to be accurate.  I'll take a tramadol and then be playing on my phone or trying to catch up on some work on my laptop and find that the words start to spin a bit and I'm nodding off.  So I'm not the most productive, but I didn't really expect to be immediately after surgery either.

I'm trying to ice on a fairly regular schedule.  Today I've done I believe four sessions (9am, 12pm, 3, 7) and I'm about to plunk the cryo-cuff on for another one.  I've done two sets of exercises and again, will do one more before bed.


  • Prone knee flexion (use non-operated leg for assistance; go until stretch, hold for 5s; lower slowly) x10
  • Seated knee flexion/extension (use non-operated leg for assistance; extend until stretch, hold for 5s; flex until stretch, hold for 5s) x10
  • Supine heel slides (slide heel of operated leg towards butt, hold for 5s) x10
  • Isometrics (tense squad and butt, hold 5s; extend heel into bed, hold 5s) x10
  • Ankle pumps (plantar and dorsiflexion) - I've been doing this every hour or so for about 10 reps to keep the blood flowing in my calf
  • Passive knee extension ( heel up on a yoga block and letting the knee go into extension/hyperextension) x10 minutes

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