Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Month

So, another month has come and gone. I'm actually pretty thrown at how quickly April and May have gone by!

Garage Gym WODs: 1
CrossFit 1MP WODs: 1


Rest Days: May 1, 6, 9, 14, 25

Bad Idea of the Month: 10 straight days of WODs. I think doing work every day is good, but the volume and intensity of 10 straight SPARK WODs was a little much. By day 10 (May 24) I was absolutely spent. I am trying to go back to my 4-on-1-off split, but may increase what I actually do on that "off day". Overall - just listening to my body.


  • Rx'ed Cindy (20 minute AMRAP - 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats) - 10 2/3 rounds. I was nowhere near our firebreathers (24ish rounds) and I didn't even catch my rabbit (12 rounds), but bodyweight WODs are not my forte and I was proud of Rx'ing everything, the whole time.
  • Double unders - May 26 we did 10 rounds of 250m row and 20 double unders. I did the majority of my rounds unbroken. It was a day when my double unders just clicked and felt right.
  • Nancy (400m run, 15 65# OHS x 5 rounds) - 22:19. Not fast, but one I intend to do later in the summer and crush my time. My runs just need to be stronger.
  • 500m row time trial - 1:45.0 - this actually isn't my best time (1:43.3 - done way back in July of 2010!), but it gave me a lot to think about for my next time trial. I came out of the gate at 1:31 and held that for 150m or so, but then I get self doubt about how long I can post that. I was in the 1:50-1:55 range from 150m until 400m and then I cranked it up again and was around 1:38. Next time I'm going to focus on maintaining one solid pace for the first 400m and then cranking it the last 100m. I think that's the key for me busting through the 1:43.3. If I could turn my brain off and just sit with the discomfort, I know I can break 1:40.
  • I survived the 100m lunge/700m run x 4 WOD. It took me over 30 minutes, but I did it. I was so scared of this WOD beforehand - it was the first really big test for my knee/quad and it held up. This was my first WOD of May and after doing it I feel like I really turned a corner in stopping to mentally block myself with the injury excuse.
My paleo was good for the first half of the month and shitty for the second half. Go figure, my weight loss was good for the first half of the month and shitty for the second half. I'm going to really dial myself back in now as I don't want to stagnate where I am. I'm a little less than halfway to my goal, so there's still a ways to go. And those onion rings last night really weren't that tasty. If I'm going to cheat, the food should at least be worth the effort.

* 5 toes to bar
* 1 dead hang pull up
* 1 handstand push up
* 2x400m runs every time that I'm at SPARK
* Alternate dead hang practice and handstand work each time at SPARK
* Get back off the Diet Coke bandwagon (sadly...)

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